Sexual Harassment and Grievance for Employees and Workers


We are committed to maintain a workplace and  environment, which is free of harassment in any form, which  includes ethnicity, religion, gender identity, national origin,  ancestry, non-disqualifying physical or mental disability or  marital status. All employees have the right to work in an  environment, which is free of any form of discrimination and  conduct, which could be considered harassing, coercive or  disruptive and this includes sexual harassment.

The Group will not tolerate violations of the human rights  principles and will address in a fair, effective and consultative  manner for any grievances or complaints. The Group’s  guidelines and grievance procedures to handle social  related issues are stated in the Whistleblowing Policy. The  grievance procedures provide a non-discriminatory and  fair treatment framework for all stakeholders involved.

Anonymous whistleblowing channels are also available to  enable employees and other third parties to report actual  or suspected misconducts without the fear of repercussions.

In 2018, there were no records of complaints or grievances  from employees.

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