Nurturing through Training and Development


We recognise the vital role of training and development  in nurturing engaged employees. The Group encourages  its employees’ desire for self-improvement and ensures all  training courses and investments in education are founded  on clearly identified business needs and objectives at all  employment levels.

These objectives are matched with job requirements which  are then weighed against carefully developed performance  criteria. This approach ensures that all training is optimally  configured and implemented to maximise the benefits to  both the employee and the Group. Various programmes  were organised throughout the year to upgrade the core  competencies of our people while creating a talent pool  for succession planning. The various programmes include  training in technical, management, communication,  administration and other soft skills.

We ensure our employees have access to continuous  training and development opportunities, as stated in our  Company Policy where each employee is to undergo at  least two man days of training per year, as well as making  training part of their KPI performance evaluation. These  training programmes cover areas such as customer service,  fire safety, financial management and corporate culture,  which are either conducted internally or through external  moderators.

In addition to this, we provide capital development  opportunities for our employees as well as our vendors to  grow and develop.

Training and Development Programmes



Through the T-GTP, four local graduates from universities in  Malaysia were assigned to various departments within TDM  Group during the reporting year.

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