We strive to form and develop long-term relationships with  our doctors, other healthcare professionals and vendors.  The doctors and physicians at our hospitals benefit from  the use of our best-in-class medical equipment and  are supported by professional, dedicated employees.  This creates a culture of connection where engaged  employees leads to a more sympathetic and productive  work environment which balances quality against cost, and  technology against humanity.

TDM mandates that all suppliers and vendors are approved  by and registered with the local regulatory body for the  sale of health products. We work closely with suppliers who  are ethical and committed to the sustainable development  of the business. We are committed to improve the visibility and transparency of our supply chain by conducting  assessments, identifying and managing risks to improve  processes, utilising resources efficiently and achieving our  set targets.


X-rays, gamma rays, other forms of ionising radiation and  radiation therapy are used to diagnose and treat some  medical conditions. This can be in the form of radiation that  penetrates from outside the body, or radioactive particles  that are swallowed or inserted into the body. This may  negatively impact not only patients and employees but also  the surrounding areas.

The Group’s Occupational Safety and Health Policy for  Healthcare includes the Radiation Protection and Safety  Guideline For Hospital Staff. Only individuals who work with  radioactive materials or radiation devices are responsible for  knowing and adhering to applicable requirements.

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