For our Plantation Division, we have a systematic  approach on complaints and grievance procedures.  This procedure encapsulates a framework for  handling, investigating and resolving both social  and environmental issues within our supply chain  in a timely, transparent and effective manner.

All complaints, conflicts and grievances are to  be resolved through an open, transparent and  consultative process, in accordance with Criteria 1.2 and 6.3 of RSPO Principles.

In the reporting year, four stakeholders’ meetings  were held that provided an avenue for our  stakeholders to give feedback on grievances  including any issues with regards to the  environment. Two meetings were hosted by TDM  while RSPO and MSPO hosted one meeting in the  North and South zones respectively. The Group’s  highlights and updates on our policies are the  mandatory agenda of the meeting.

Stakeholders who were invited to our meetings  were:

  • All related government agencies (DOSH, DOE, BOMBA, Police, KKM, NADA),
  • All heads of communities (J3k, Imams and others),
  • Schools, kindergartens and nurseries,
  • Contractors, and
  • Workers/employees and their families


The stakeholder meeting was a platform for our Plantation  Division to engage directly with smallholders and the community  in the area. Feedback is collated by management whereby  measures are taken to address any matters which may arise and  subsequently communicated to our stakeholders accordingly.


TDM’s website is another platform for stakeholders and the general public to provide input and feedback. These matters are  managed by the Chief Operating Officer (COO) who typically provides a response within 14 days.

In line with our Grievance Procedure and our commitment to sustainable palm oil production and sourcing, any grievance,  complaint or concern from external parties concerning the implementation of our palm supply chain may be submitted in writing,  online at or communicated via phone at +609 620 4800. For the year under review, there were no  complaints or grievances reported for Plantation Division.

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