As a leading provider of community-based secondary  healthcare, we target to embrace healthcare sustainability  by minimising the environmental footprint of our  hospitals via proper and frequent measurements on EES  impacts. Delivering healthcare that is socially responsible,  environmentally sound, and economically viable inevitably  embraces the triple bottom line.

On the healthcare front, TDM is highly inspired by the  advanced technology shaping medical breakthroughs in the  world today. We seek to remain abreast in leveraging on  technology to improve our efficiencies as well as delivering  sustainability into healthcare and medical solutions.

As part of our agenda to improve sustainability in our  operations, we have been implementing measures to track  our environmental footprint. These assessments help quantify  sustainable operations and qualify resource stewardship on  behalf of patients, employees and the community in which  we operate. We are focussing on improving the provision  and delivery of healthcare services to the community in a  safe, healthy manner in fulfilling our obligation to conserve,  protect and preserve resources through partnerships and  individual actions.


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