In line with the Sustainability Policy of “People, Planet & Profit”, TDM continues to select and adopt an open and proactive approach in engaging with relevant stakeholders.
Over the years, the Group has benefited from the activities with various key stakeholders and many of those engagement activities have led to constructive collaborations and partnerships.
The key stakeholders identified are those groups that have significant impacts or are influenced by the Group’s business activities. The Group engages with key stakeholders through various platforms or channels at certain intervals throughout the year.
During the engagement process in 2018, we collected information and feedback to better understand and improve the management of the potential risks and material issues concerning the Group’s activities. The table below summarises the engagement process and the topics of discussion with the various key stakeholder groups.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
All of TDM Berhad’s plantations and mills in Malaysia are 100% RSPO certified since 2013.
The RSPO promotes the growth and use of sustainable oil palm through credible global standards and engagements with stakeholders. The RSPO Standards help to minimise the negative impacts of palm oil cultivation on the environment and communities in palm oil producing regions.
The authorised Certification Body (CB), BSI Malaysia, conducts an annual surveillance audit where the certification is renewed after five years.
Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)
Every Malaysian planter is required to be MSPO certified by the end of 2019. TDM stands as the first Malaysian Government-Linked Company to be 100% MSPO certified. All of TDM Berhad’s estates and mills in Malaysia were MSPO certified in 2017.
MSPO was developed by the Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) with representatives from various palm oil interest groups. The MSPO Standards have seven principles forming the requirements of a management system framework, based on three pillars of sustainability. It also addresses good agriculture practices which are essential for sustainable agriculture, producing high-quality products while enhancing productivity through yield optimisation.
BSI Malaysia conducts an annual surveillance audit where the certification is renewed after five years.
The Group received the first ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems certification for its Healthcare Division in 2012. Today, all hospitals under the Group have revised and upgraded to ISO 9001:2015 certification. All hospitals undergo an annual audit to certify the Management System in compliance with the requirements.