In any initiative, its long-term benefits notwithstanding, poses a potential risk to the company in terms of business opportunities and financial performance. For the Group, this is amplified by the nature of our business, which capitalises on land and environmental aspects, as well as technological advancements. Through stakeholder engagement, we continue to address and disclose…
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Based on the recent Materiality Matters, TDM will develop strategies, identify risks and subsequent mitigation, and set targets based on long and short-term goals which will be disclosed in the next reporting year.
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The Company reviewed the results of the Materiality Assessment with the independent consultant. Upon review, it was decided to include the highest ranked materiality matter from the Environment pillar (Waste Management) to replace the lowest ranked Social matter (Eliminating Child and Compulsory Labour) from among the 10 most material matters. This decision was made on…
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From the Materiality Matrix, the 10 most material matters included three under the Economic pillar and seven under the Social Pillar but did not include any matters from the Environment dimension.
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Survey responses from both sets of participants (stakeholders/Board and management) were collated and averaged to produce respective scores for each materiality matter. No consideration or weightage was given to the number of responses from each stakeholder group in calculating the average score. Despite this limitation, this exercise does not need to be empirical and is…
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